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Useful Information

In this page you will find useful information about ScanIT products and how to use them. Just read the following text and you will solve any possible question!

What is unique about ScanIT products?

All ScanIT products present an innovative idea that not only makes them useful but also interactive, thanks to unique ScanIT codes they contain! The ScanIT code is a QR barcode that gives you the option, after scanning it and connecting to the Internet, to find yourself in different directions of updates, entertainment and pleasant mood.

What is the QR code?

The code QR [Quick Response barcode] is one of the best known two-dimensional codes. All you need is a simple application installed on your Smartphone which allows you to decode the QR code. It's easy because there are applications for all Smartphones.

What content does the ScanIT code contain?

The ScanIT code may refer to a different content such as image, text, video, depending on the category of "experience" you choose from the menu of our e-Shop. Stimulate discussion with your acquaintances or strangers, feel the experience of interactive ScanIT products and be the centre of attention.

Where can I find products with ScanIT codes?

Imagine that ScanIT interactive products can become yours by visiting our e-shop or our partners. That is, you can choose the product with which you and people you meet, friends, acquaintances and strangers can interact. Become a member of the group with ScanIT products, feel the power of technology and the joy of playing. Follow the new trend and let ScanIT take you to places outside the typical activity!

QR Code Scanners

With so many market applications for QR code scanners, the choice of an appropriate application, compatible with your mobile device, is perhaps hard for you. Follow the choices we have prepared for you and install the application, depending on the operating system of your Smartphone: iPhone iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, Palm, Symbian, etc. The ScanIT QR barcodes work with all applications used to scan QR linear barcode of a Smartphone. Some applications are:

Other Devices
– (symbian etc)

What is Scan IT


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